Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Nintendo's E3: Captain Toad announced

If you are not familiar with who captain Toad is, then allow me to explain. In Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, he used to be a person with his crew (all different colours and personalities) that appear in certain levels to give you hints. In the first Galaxy game they could move into the observatory. However, in 2 they became a lot more interesting, with the Captain of their iconic ship being a big coward. It's coming December 2014. Yay! I can't wait to control an even more bigger coward than Luigi.

A complete new Zelda in 2015 is announced, which is cool. Hyrule Warriors is more exciting for me, because I like Techmo's games in general as well. The new Zelda has a new graphics and possibly a wider area. Just look at how everyday Link has a plastic surgery!!

Apparently they got bored from Mario, and they are making a Mario Maker on Wii U for 2015 as well. It has a cool switch between retro and new, and the grid looks really versatile, allowing a lot of room for creativity.

All in all, I am not excited about the Wii U. At first, I wanted it, but only when there is an extensive library of games that I want. This might change my mind, but I also want Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls to change my mind as well. I hope this E3 changes my mind.

Don't forget to watch the whole stream of all E3, here.

Apparently, a new character is in Super Smash Bros. I won't ruin it because it's cool. By the way, are they planning to make an anime?

best 2 characters for potentially best anime

Apparently they are inviting people for a tournament in real life. 

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